Sunday, July 29, 2007

A postcard from Tubbs

Hi Cat Lovers.

I got a message from Tubbs yesterday. Sounds like she's enjoying herself, running rings round Grandma. I hope she doesn't trip her up or anything.

Thought I'd share it with you.

The Little Bar Steward

Hi, Figgy
I've had a great morning here! Have you ever played 'hide and seek'? The Old One really loves it. While she was busy I disappeared - just like that! I could hear her all round the house, opening cupboards, looking behind curtains, then in the garden... that was fun, its not very big but there's lots of places to hide, lots of bushes and stuff. Anyway, THREE, yes three, hours later she comes into the bedroom, looks out of the window and calls for me, then goes to straighten the quilt cover and.... there I am!! Stretched out half way down having a nice little snooze. I think The Old One is a bit thick really, I ask you, you would think she would have checked there when she was looking in cupboards and drawers to see if I had got shut in anywhere (as if I would)!! I'll let you know of any more good games I think up, otherwise it's OK here now we've got the ground rules sorted. You know the sort of thing, doors to be opened instantly, food always available and it must be exactly what I want - I made her open four packets this morning - she worries that I'm going to starve (again - as if I would)!!
La-aer, as we street-wise cats say

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that my baby girl is behaving from her Grandma