Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hello cat fanciers! I promised more of my story today.

I settled in at the new home pretty well. Mr Owner and I, well, we're just a couple of lads really and we liked to hang out together. I would sit on his shoulder while he looked at some moving pictures on a box in the corner of the room, or we'd play one of my favourite games, the one where I run in and out of his legs while he cooked Mrs Owner's supper.

Then one day he really let me down. He gave The Serene One and The Big Softie their late night snack but he locked me in another room all on my own. If that wasn't enough, the next morning he let Mrs Owner put me back in that horrid plastic box and put me in the blue moving thing again.

I tried all I could to make her take me home again because I thought perhaps I'd upset them and they were taking me back to my Mum's house again, but I was relieved when the blue moving thing stopped after a short while.

I am so stupid. I should have realised something else was wrong. She handed me over to this lady in a white coat and left me there. I shouted and shouted until eventually the lady took me out of my plastic box and stuck a needle in me. Then I went to sleep I think but when I woke up there was this horrid smell of disinfectant and I had the feeling something was missing from under my tail - sure enough when I checked I found I was a couple of round objects missing!

Eventually Mr and Mrs Owner came and took me back home again, but things have never been the same since. I don't really enjoy hanging out with the boys any more. The Serene One and The Big Softie don't look as pretty as they used to and cleaning my nether regions hasn't been as much fun for a long time.


The Little Bar Steward

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