Sunday, July 15, 2007

Why I can't play with every playmate I catch

After our traumatic journey, life changed completely for us cats. After a week or so, They opened a door and instead of going out and leaving us inside, they let us go outside with them.

We were amazed at what we had missed. All these little playmates are sitting in the grass and down holes just waiting for us to come out and play with them, not to mention those feathery things. Mind you, I'm not too keen on birds, their feathers get up my nose and make me sneeze - and they are really stroppy too, always shouting at you from the trees if you get too near to them. It's enough to give you a headache.

One day, I found this really big furry thing and took it home for Mr Owner, so that he could see what a big clever boy I am. When I put it down he shouted at me and threw me indoors so I couldn't play with it any more. He said it was a red squirrel and I'm not allowed to play with them - they must be a bad influence on me or something. Anyway, he watched it go back into the trees before I was allowed out again. Actually, he's welcome to go back up there with those noisy birds.

The Serene One was here all day yesterday. I hate it when she does that because she always growls at me whenever she sees me, especially when she thinks They aren't looking. I thought she was going to fetch me a little playmate but I don't think it wanted to play. It sat in the top of a bush, right in the middle and The Serene One couldn't catch it. Mrs Owner said it was a pretty little thing and good luck to it. Funny, I thought she didn't like them, she always complains if I take them indoors for her. People can be very contrary sometimes.

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