Friday, July 27, 2007

Lucky, lucky, lucky

My mate Tubbs is going on holiday today. Lucky Tubbs.

She's being packed off to Grandma's while her owners go on holiday. I'm really jealous. I love my Grandma, she never growls at me and she usually brings me treats when she comes to visit. Unfortunately, Tubbs hasn't got a passport so she can't come and visit me in France and because Grandma has to look after her, it means that she can't come and visit for a while either.

Mrs Owner growled at me again today when I made her come and let me outside as soon as it was light. She tried it again a bit later when I came back home but this time I just shouted back at her.

I think I am learning how to be a teenager!


Anonymous said...

They won't let me have a passport. They did say something about an ASBO though - is that the same thing?

Figaro said...

Don't think so, but an ASBO sounds cool. Can I get one? I'd like to give it to The Serene One - does it hurt?