Monday, July 9, 2007

How to handle a woman...

(Wasn't that a song by Keith Michell?)

Like I promised yesterday, I thought I'd let you know how I get on with the women in the house.

Being such a beautiful boy, of course I have them all wrapped round my little claw by now. I've been in the family for about 9 months now, even though I'm not a year old yet but that makes me just about a teenager and, boy, do they know it!

There are three females in the house. Mrs Owner and my two Aunties; The Big Softie and The Serene One.

Mrs Owner - she's a soft touch. All I have to do is rub up against her and she goes rushing off to do my bidding. Of course, that is usually getting her to fetch a towel to dry me off after I've been romping in the long grass, or a brush to get all the burrs out of my fur, I don't know why she doesn't like me to have them there, anyone would think I was all scruffy or something. Mrs Owner is also the one who normally feeds me.

After several weeks of her only giving me this dry food which I hate, I finally persuaded her to let me have a little bit of Whiskas kitten food in jelly before bedtime. It helps me sleep, you know. I don't always want the food but I insist that she gets it for me anyway - but I do like licking the jelly stuff even if I don't eat the meat. The only problem is that I have to share it with The Serene One.

Now, there's a girl with a problem. I don't know what her problem is but she just doesn't like me. Mr and Mrs Owner think she's lovely and she's always rubbing round them, getting on their good side. She swears at me whenever she sees me but, like I said, I've really got her wrapped round my little claw because she always shares her food with me even if she's got there first. Sometimes she even brings me home a little playmate. You know the type, little furry things that don't miaow. Sometimes they squeak though. I love playing hide and seek with them - of course I'm always the seeker. Eventually they all get fed up though, so I either leave them in the garden for Mrs Owner to find, or I eat them. Well, that's life (and food). The Serene One is really good about bringing these playmates for me though, and she never wants to join in the hide and seek game so I get to keep them all for myself.

The Big Softie, she's a different kettle of fish (whatever that means). She doesn't do much, just hangs around the house most of the time. I love to play rough and tumble with her, funny how she always makes like she doesn't want to join in, you know, running away and stuff, but I know she's just playing hard to get really.

Sometimes she comes and helps me clear up after a game of hide and seek but mostly she sleeps. And eats.

Well, that's all for now chaps. I've just got to go and take up my guard cat position on the window ledge. Just in case some bumble bee tries to get in the house you know. I just hate those big buzzy things.

Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you the story of what they did to me when I was a kitten (I'm sure there was more of me once upon a time).....


The Little Bar Steward


Anonymous said...

The more I read about your cats the more I realise they are just like my kids! Mind you I don't think anyone could call the eldest 'serene' She does however manage the swearing bit quite well!

Figaro said...

Dear Guess Who,
Thanks for your comments. I think you should see a doctor about your eldest kitten. I think she may have Tourettes - a bit like The Serene One. I'm going to recommend that Mr Owner sends her for therapy.
As a PS, I've just had a very nice grooming session. Mrs Owner is now sneezing and covered with my fur. That's love for you!!
The Little Bar Steward