Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Friends and foes

I was quite worried about Mrs Owner yesterday. She was wandering about the place with a face like a wet weekend. Her and Mr Owner kept taking us for walks, down the lane, up the lane, round the field, through the woods. And all the time they were rattling a box of biscuits, whistling and calling. Then I twigged. They were looking for The Serene One.

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her since Sunday either, but I'm not one to mope if she's not around. The bully.

Just to make them feel better, me and The Big Softie hung around all day. Normally I would have had to go off and make sure all those little playmates of mine were behaving themselves (it's funny, but there aren't as many of them about as there were), but anyway, I thought I'd stay home to try and make Them feel better.

She still wasn't home last night and Mrs Owner was really upset. After all, two and a half days is a long time even for The Serene One to be gone out for a walk. When Mrs O came and let me out this morning after I'd been rattling the door for some time, The Serene One came rushing in and ate ALL the food, as if she hadn't had any biscuits for days. Well, maybe she hadn't but it still isn't any excuse to growl at me when I wanted to have some biscuits too.


I'm looking forward to my new friends coming over to play later on. There's this little boy who I used to play with. He's called Jack and he belongs to the family but I don't see him much since we came to live in the countryside. This new chappie is a bit smaller than Jack but he's quite friendly I think. Only trouble is, I don't understand a word he is saying. Mrs O says he talks French. Luckily the little chap seems to understand kitten talk and when I roll over on my back he tickles my tummy just like I want him to.

The Little Bar Steward

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo,. Figgsie!!
Well, I'm glad you've got a new friend. I've got one, too. He came in to share my biscuits yesterday morning, the Old One rushed down stairs, you'd have thought WW3 was starting! My mate legged it into the next garden, and then I got told off for allowing him in!! I tell you, I was out of there, not putting up with that, was I?. OK, so he did eat ALL the biscuits, he must have been hungry, and you have to look after your mates don't you? but still...! We went next door into the long grass, she can't see us there, so we don't get squirted with the squeezy thingy.
Had to go in though when it started raining. Straight upstairs to where I usually dry off - THAT was wrong too - I thought the muddy paw prints were an improvement on the clean white sheet - sort of decorative - well I liked it. I had to go into my 'cute kitty' mode to try to get back into her good books - you know the sort of thing - rolling on your back with the head on one side and patting your paws in the air! Well, I didn't know my claws were out, did I? Off she went muttering something about a plaster, must admit though, the red drops did rather clash with the black paws prints....
Anyway, as it rained all day I stayed in bed till I heard her cooking her supper in the kitchen. That's my cue for using the commode - I was in need of a really big poo! What happened, I got the old 'OH, TUUUBBBS must you?' treatment. Yep, I really, really must!!
It's good here, you know??!! I get lots of treats, Although I suspect the Oldie is just trying to bribe me...
Cheers for now, sun's out so I'm off.