Sunday, September 30, 2007

Another new routine

Unfortunately they spotted me in the bedroom and have made us all sleep in the kitchen again - unless I manage to escape and have a night on the tiles.

But, I am having some lovely evenings with Mr O. I wait until he settles down in his big red chair and then I climb on his lap and stay there until bedtime.

It's lovely and cosy and I only stick my claws in his leg when I feel as if I'm going to fall off.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Mrs O had something called a birth-day yesterday. She didn't look too happy about getting older.

I don't know why she fusses. I age seven years in every one of hers. That makes me about 10 years old now. Heh, heh! Roll on puberty, I can't wait to be a stroppy cat teenager!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sleeping arrangements

I don't think they have noticed me. I'm sure they've forgotten something. For the last few nights I've been sleeping on the bottom of their bed! Hee, hee, It must only be because they forgot to put us in the kitchen like they usually do.

The Big Softie has taken up residence on the foot stool - she is such a big girl that she hangs over the edges . The Serene One chooses her spot very carefully. Sometimes she sleeps on Mrs Owner's head, she tells me she used to sleep there when she was a kitten and it's her favourite place because she can protect Mrs Owner, although I don't know what from. When she sleeps there I have to sleep in my own bed on the floor because she growls at me if I get too close to her. Sometimes she sleeps on the sofa in the lounge and sometimes she doesn't come to bed at all but stays out all night.

The thing is, because they probably don't know we're there, I don't dare start scratching at the door so early because they might remember to put me in the kitchen at night again, and I really like sleeping near them.

Especially when it's on top of Mr Owner's feet!!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Getting out

All I wanted to do was go out and play with the mice in the field.

Mrs Owner came downstairs and it was still dark. I reminded her to let me out by scratching on the door and she sprayed me with water again. So I thought I'd let her know about the other door and she did it again. I dried myself off and tried again. She really should just let me out when I want to go you know. I'm trying hard to train her properly but it isn't working yet.

I scratched at the window - got sprayed. Dried myself - tried both doors. Got wet. In the end I gave her a very hard stare for ten whole minutes and eventually she got the message and let me out.

I wonder if I tried the hard stare first off she might get the message.