Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hi there, me again, Figaro, remember me?

I've not been around for a while. Actually, I've been rather sick, and I needed a little therapy to sort me out.

It's all Mr and Mrs Owner's fault. They went away for a while and told me and the Big Softie that we were going on a Holly Day. We didn't think much of the idea really. Nasty prickly stuff that Holly, plays havoc with our tails when we get caught up in it, but well, if it was only for a day then that would be fine.

First off though, they put us in thosse horrid plastic boxes again, the ones we hate with a passion and we always know what's coming next. The blue thing with wheels.

Yup, they put the boxes in the blue thing with wheels and it started moving. So we started shouting, and shouting but they ignored us and the thing kept moving.

Now we really don't like it when things around us move and we aren't responsible. It's the same with the blowing air - you know, when you're up a tree and the air starts moving and so does the tree. That's very disconcerting.

Anyway, finally the thing stops and they get us out. We hear them talking and next thing we know we are both incarcerated in this cage.

Well, that shut us up. We didn't speak for ages. Our flabbers were well and truly ghasted!!!!

Then they disappeared, but we thought well, this is our Holly Day maybe the Holly is coming along later, and anyway, it's only for a day.


They were gone for AGES. We thought they were never coming back again. A nice lady called Julie looked after us, fed us, brushed us and all that stuff. We liked Julie (actually, I think she quite fancied me) but she wasn't Mr and Mrs Owner, and we wanted our playground back. I was dreading what all those furry friends of mine were getting up to in their holes in the garden.

Well, finally they did come and collect us and brought us back home. We both refused to speak to them for a couple of hours. In fact, I sat facing the wall and refused to even look at her. Eventually, though, I remembered the furry things and had to get outside and see what had been going on in my absence.

I was right, you know. There were hundreds more of them out there. I had to go and get loads to play with, one after the other, taking them back to Mr and Mrs O to show them what a clever boy I am and how I hadn't lost my touch despite the incarceration.

Funny, they never seem as happy to see the furry things as I expect them to be and they won't let me take them in the house ever.

Well, I'm feeling much better now, almost back to normal. But I did hear her on the phone the other day talking to someone about another little Holly Day. I must go and hide.